Activities are running every Thursday from 6 to 8 p.m in Sixteenth Ave public school Address: 400 16th Ave, Richmond Hill, ON L4C 7A9
Web Design Goals & Objectives:
- _Understand the principles of creating an effective web page
- _Become familiar with graphic design principles _Develop skills in analyzing the usability of a web site.
- _Understand how to plan and conduct user research related to web usability.
- _Learn the language of the web: HTML and CSS. _Learn techniques of responsive web design, including media queries.
Music class Goals & Objectives:
- Experience, recognize, respond to, read, notate, perform, and create rhythms and melodic patterns.
- Experience and perform musical textures and harmonic structures
- Recognize, identify, and respond to expressive elements of music
- Respond to musical experiences and create movement
Recognize and apply appropriate music vocabulary to the other program objectives.
Math, English, and French peer mentorship Goals & Objectives:
We aim to provide quality tutoring classes through peer mentorship and youth-led tutors that supports student learning and empowers students to achieve success in their academic curriculum