OTF- “Get Love Share Love” Fundraising Event Orientation October 25th 2021, ICTC Youth Foundation

ICTC Covid-19 Projects; OTF- “Get Love Share Love” Fundraising Event on October 25th 2021.

ICTC Young volunteers have made a great commitment to  revitalize the organization and make another  fundraising event towards recovery from Covid-19 and continuation of our needed skill development projects. We aim to bring  volunteers together to sort, pack, sanitize, and make all the donated items ready to be posted on our online store and social media for sale as part of our fundraising plan.  Our Volunteers made a huge dedication to help families to recover from Covid-19 long lockdown impacts.

Due to the high demand, registration through email is mandatory.

Email us at “ictcorganization@gmail.com” for in person volunteering.

This Program is sponsored by Ontario Trillium Foundation(OTF)

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