Celebrate Richmond Hill cultural diversity;
The proposed project is “One society One Soul” features ideas and suggestions for supporting the multicultural ties and promote cultural diversity in the city of Richmond Hill through introduction of important cultural holidays, costumes, foods, and ceremonies from different ethnic groups through Multicultural night gathering event. Such collaborative commitments create environments that give young people the opportunity to build more ties in the community, develop into well-rounded individuals, and form more social inclusion.
These programs will be easily accessible by all participants free of charge to all residents in the city of Richmond Hill and those from other neighboring cities.
One Society One Soul Project Objective:
_To contribute towards building a sense of belonging and attachment through tangible links to important cultural values from different cultural backgrounds which will lead to greater social inclusion.
_This project provides the opportunity to learn about cultural diversity through the appreciation of shared heritage.
_Implementing this multicultural project will expose young people with heritage values of other ethnic groups and helping them broaden their outlook to future community ties.
_To provide shared opportunities to learn about cultural heritage, to develop new skills and contacts through volunteering, workshops, talks and events.
The presentation will be online on December 10th, 2024, from 6 to 8 pm.
Registration through Eventbrite:https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/celebrate-richmond-hills-cultural-diversity-tickets-1047392678697?aff=oddtdtcreator
Supported by:
Richmond Hill community and cultural grant program